Name: |
COVID-19 Chimeric Forecast |
Abbreviation: |
Owner: |
Team name: |
Computational Uncertainty Laboratory |
Description: |
This chimeric forecast is a combination of Metaculus and GJO expert consensus forecasts and the COVIDhub-ensemble- an ensemble of computational models hosted by the COVID-19 Forecast Hub ( Experts are defined as people with several years of experience in the study or modeling of infectious disease and/or public health decision making. |
Contributors: |
Thomas McAndrew (Lehigh University) <>, Juan Cambeiro (Metaculus), David Braun (Lehigh University), Tamay Besiroglu (Metaculus), Eva Chen (Good Judgement Open) <>, Luis Enrique Urtubey (Good Judgement Open) <>, Damon Luk (Lehigh University), Allison Codi (Lehigh University) |
License: |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 |
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Methods: |
A chimeric forecast is built by combining an ensemble of computational models and a consensus of predictions from humans- in our case, predictions from trained forecasters and experts. The COVID-19 forecast hub ensemble cumulative predictive density is divided into 23 quantiles for incident deaths and 7 quantiles for incident cases. We can extract the same number of quantiles from our consensus forecast and compute quantiles for our chimeric forecast as:
Qchimericforecast = 0.5(QCOVID-19 ensemble) + 0.5(QConsensus forecast) where Qx is a quantile from distribution x. |
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